Hi there!

Bethany Adkins. Millennial Mission cohost, author, mother, wife, purpose seeker.

I’m Bethany

I’m a pediatric nurse turned writer and podcaster (it’s a long story). 

You see, I’m a creative at heart (Enneagram Type 4). 

I have always been this way, but I spent a lot of my life not only ignoring my God-given passions, but being ashamed of them. I once traded those things for a life full of seeking the approval of others, and attempting to check off a list of items that I thought would make me “successful” in culture’s eyes.

I spent the first twenty-five years of my life trying to achieve the things of least resistance that would gain the most approval. I went to college, got married, had kids, earned a degree, worked as an RN, bought a house, and all that. But at the end of the day, I was left unfulfilled, exhausted, and still felt that I wasn’t on the right path.

After a cross-country move (twice), lots of prayer, tough conversations, many bumps in the road, a mountain of opposition, and a gigantic leap of faith, I decided to leave my cozy salary and career in nursing and pursue what I felt God had been calling me to do all along. And no, it wasn’t the typical Millennial-stereotype story where I quit my job to travel the world to “find myself.” I simply felt called to:

1.) Stay home to be with my kids and take care of my family;

2.) Write words and a message that God placed on my heart, which is this:

You have a unique purpose in this life, you were not created to conform but to stand out, and God has you where he has you in your journey for a reason.

And here I am now! 

  • I recently finished my first manuscript and am in the process of working to get it published.

  • I write monthly articles based on what I’m studying in the Bible or learning in life and share them under My Most Recent Musings.

  • I host a podcast with my husband and our episodes come out every Tuesday

  • I also manage podcasts for others in this field

  • And I use this space to share my real-life purpose journey, rather than my “destination” because truthfully, do we ever really arrive in this life?!

I don’t have a huge audience. I am not a millionaire. And there’s absolutely nothing about me that makes me more qualified than you or anyone else! But I am pursuing God’s purpose for my life, and I want you to know that you can too.

I’d love to have you follow my journey of pursuing a life solely dedicated to living out God’s purpose. And right now, that’s to be a mom and a wife, to work on getting my manuscript published, and, in my “free time,” create life-giving podcasts and articles to give you tools and encourage you to pursue your God-given purpose.

You see, if you would have asked me five years ago where I’d be, I’d have told you that I’d be working somewhere in a hospital as a nurse. However, I’m learning that when God calls you to do something, you have to take that step even if it’s scary or sounds crazy. And I want you to watch me do the scary and the crazy so you can find the courage to do the same.

Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!